Hellas! A nation is Reborn!

Hellas! All around is Light!


In association with Globe Entertainment

Know Thyself Initiative aims to revive the lost III Pillars of Hellenism: Philosophy, Culture, and Freedom.

KNOWING THYSELF is man's obligation to turn his thoughts inward, to accomplish awareness of who he is, of his wholeness as a human being.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

- Alexander the Great

We live in a world of manufactured ideals, instant gratification, and constant conflict. Modern society has forgotten what makes us human, and as shown, we are seeing the rapid deteriorating effects of it.

Know Thyself Initiative aims to not only showcase a series of cultural events, but to also rekindle our connection to the founding principles of Hellenism that has shaped the world for thousands of years.

The modern world needs ancient Hellenic culture

  • The search for intrinsic understanding and self-questioning is the founding principle of Philosophy. In ancient Hellas, philosophy was considered part of everyday life, and unfortunately that is no longer the case today. Without it, society has grown purposeless individually, and parallel in personality.

  • You carry a rich cultural heritage that connects you to a history of art, philosophy, literature, and science that has influenced the world. Embracing and celebrating Hellenic culture helps preserve your identity and connects you to your roots, providing a sense of belonging and continuity.

  • Freedom is a concept that has been a topic of discussion in many conversations over the past few decades. The pursuit of happiness is a right, however, in the grit of things, it would seem as if there are infinity invisible barriers that prevent the true achievement of freedom. A simple concept, but alluding in practice.

Upcoming event

Hellas! All around is Light!


Kings Theatre

The Grand show for Know Thyself Initiative will take place in the Iconic Kings Theatre in Brooklyn where 3,200+ spectators will experience the Hellenic ideal reviewing major events of Hellenic history starting with the revolution of 1821.

The show will take us on a tour of 4 distinct events of our history and will be presented via a combination of Artists, Singers, a Polyphonic Chorus, and various Dance Groups from all around Hellenism.

If you would like to read more about the event, click the button below to take you to the full breakdown of the event.

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."

— Pericles

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Know Thyself Initiative will be hosting events in cities near you in the form of concerts, discussions, and award ceremonies. If you want to be the first to know of our future planned events, enter you email below;

‘‘ The unexamined life is not worth living ’’
- Socrates